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The Bearing Witness Institute for Interreligious and Ecumenical Dialogue

About Us

The Bearing Witness Institute seeks to combat hate and prejudice by building a community of conscience committed to promoting understanding among the Abrahamic faith traditions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Institute pursues its work through interactive learning experiences, dialogues, and leadership training.

Established at Marist School, an independent Catholic School founded by the Society of Mary in 1901, the Bearing Witness Institute’s mission aligns with the Catholic Church’s aim to promote respect and collaboration among different faith communities and with Pope Francis’ call to engage in such discourse as a “privileged path to the growth of fraternity and peace in our world."

Explore the Bearing Witness Institute

The Bearing Witness Institute affirms that understanding the faith traditions of the three Abrahamic religions, sharing the history of religious conflict, and learning about global efforts of dialogue can help a knowledgeable community of conscience choose an alternative path forward—for today and the future. We invite you to learn more about the work the Institute does to build solidarity and equip people of different faiths to speak up for one another.

Rush Williams '24

The Bearing Witness trip and Mr. Murphy’s History and the Holocaust class helped me realize the statistics about the Holocaust I’ve heard in history class for years are much more than simply numbers, and that every person who makes up each statistic had their own unique life, family, and story."

Rush Williams '24
Bearing Witness XIII Student Participant

Rabbi Spike Anderson

As a teacher, Brendan Murphy is truly excellent, covering subject matter profoundly relevant to Jews and Christians of all denominations. As a direct result of his leadership, we have had ongoing Jewish-Christian dialogue with various partners, aiming to face the past and move forward with tolerance and understanding. This program led to meetings with the Archbishop of Atlanta and was the main subject of my Yom Kippur Day sermon this past year to the entire congregation. Clearly, there is something of extreme value in continuing Murphy’s work, teaching, and the messages inherent in knowing our collective history for the sake of healing our broken world.”

Rabbi Spike Anderson
Senior Rabbi, Temple Emanu-El, Atlanta, Georgia

Sally Levine

As an educator, I have had the privilege of collaborating with Brendan Murphy for over 20 years. During that time, he has brought a profound dedication and passion to Holocaust education, interfaith communication, and human rights issues. His commitment to healing age-old rifts with education and dialogue is needed today more than ever. His work is truly inspirational and life changing.”

Sally Levine
Executive Director, Georgia Commission on the Holocaust

Fr. Bernard McKenna, S.M.

The Bearing Witness Institute has grown out of the fruits of the good work of Brendan Murphy over the years at Marist School, reaching out to the Jewish and Muslim communities around them. By engaging students and teachers of these other faiths in sharing their values and life experiences, trust has been established, and friendships developed. This is a living expression of the teaching of Pope Francis in his Encyclical “Fratelli Tutti”. The good work done through Murphy’s programs and his commitment over the years is now seeing the emergence of the Bearing Witness Institute. As Marists, we are full of praise and inspiration that this Institute is being born within Marist School in Atlanta.”

Fr. Bernard McKenna, S.M.
Assistant General of the Society of Mary in Rome, Italy

Dr. Andi Videlefsky

Brendan Murphy is an outstanding leader and a brilliant educator. He has made a tremendous impact on so many people through his Bearing Witness program. He has tremendous vision and passion, and he is able to translate that vision into actionable, effective programs that bring people together in meaningful ways. Brendan’s commitment to bringing the Synagoga and Ecclesia in Our Time sculpture to the Marist School campus and developing further programming affirms these concepts of love, understanding, compassion, mutual understanding, and respect. Educators like Murphy are so needed during these deeply troubling, difficult times as we try to navigate a path forward that encourages peace and understanding.”

Dr. Andi Videlefsky
President, Am Yisrael Chai and Founder, The Daffodil Project, Atlanta, Georgia

Liz & Tim Seymour

We've been fortunate to send two of our children on Marist School’s Bearing Witness trips, and both benefited immeasurably from the experience. Brendan Murphy thoughtfully curates their time, encouraging them to engage with others on vitally important topics while also sprinkling in healthy doses of fun. Our kids came away with increased curiosity about the world around them, not to mention memories they will cherish for their lifetimes.”

Liz & Tim Seymour
Marist Parents to Clare ’21, Danny ’25, and Laura ’29

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